UW ISO 공지 : Tax information for UW international students & scholars
2006. 2. 16. 09:38
Today's Topics:
1. Tax information for UW international students & scholars
(George Moore)
Greetings, International Students and Scholars!
All F-1 students and J-1 exchange visitors who are nonresidents for tax
purposes and received U.S.-source income during the 2005 calendar year are
required to file Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ and
Form 8843 by April 17, 2006. Nonresident students and scholars who received no
U.S.-source income do not need to file Form 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ, but must file
Form 8843 by June 15, 2006.
laws that apply to internationals are not the same as those that apply to
citizens. To help make tax filing easier, the Office of International Education
(OIE) provides an on-line tax preparation service designed for F and J
nonimmigrants. This web-based program, called CINTAX, provides step-by-step
instructions and assistance in preparing the appropriate forms. There is no
charge for using this program.
You can access CINTAX on any computer with internet access by visiting our
website at:
Click on *Taxes* on our top menubar for detailed information and resources,
including a link to CINTAX, to help you understand and prepare your tax return.
Rather than distributing a password as in earlier years, you can access the
CINTAX website by using your UWNetID when you click on the heading labeled
*CINTAX*. Once on the CINTAX website, you will be asked to create a
CINTAX-specific UserID and Password. Do not use your UWNetID and Password for
this purpose.
We hope you find CINTAX helpful in preparing your 2005 federal income tax
return and we welcome your feedback on your experience.